San Diego Artist Explains Lip Blushing, a Tattoo for Fuller Lips

1. What is Lip Blushing?

A semi-permanent tattooing technique similar to eyebrow services, like microblading and microshading, lip blushing deposits colored ink into the lips with a mechanical needle, creating a look that is similar to lip coloring cosmetics, such as lip stain, colored lip balm and lipstick. The look can also give the illusion of full lips. The mechanical needle is used in a way where the artist’s hand is quick and consistent as it moves, making the needle go in and out of the skin as it imbeds pigmented dots (that aren’t too deep) into the skin. This procedure causes little to no pain.

The purpose is to provide the lips with a subtle flushed color while also shaving down the time it takes to do your makeup, as the lips will already be colored. This isn’t to say that you can’t still apply different colors to your lips, but it would be more optional since you’d already have color. This procedure is fit for lips that are pale or lack color.

2. How to Prep for Lip Blushing Appointment

Prepping for your lip blushing appointment should happen several weeks prior to your initial procedure. Make sure you’re keeping the seasons in mind when you set your appointment. It’s best to wait until spring if you have severely dry or chapped lips in the winter.

A few days prior to your appointment, apply a lip scrub to get rid of dead skin, then top it off with your favorite moisturizing lip balm to be sure the lips are smooth, as that allows the pigment to be even and allows the lips to heal properly. It’s recommended that you bring certain lip colors or photos to show what color you’re looking to get. Henna will help with shade matching to make sure the results are similar to what you’re looking for and that it matches your skin tone.

You should avoid alcohol at least a day prior to your procedure, as well as aspirin and ibuprofen, as they can cause blood thinning and can make the area feel more sensitive. You can instead take Tylenol. Be sure to avoid vitamin e and fish oil as well.

If you’ve had cold sores prior to your appointment, you must get a prescription from your doctor for 400 mg of Acyclovir or Zovirax to avoid potential breakouts. Start the medication two days prior to your appointment and continue using it four days after. If the medication is not used, this procedure can cause sores.

3. What will happen during your appointment?

First, the shade that is perfect for your desired style has to be chosen, so Henna will help you pick a shade that is different and that suits you. Lighter colors (like pinks, certain oranges and nude colors) are best for a more subtle look. If you’re looking for more vibrant, bolder colors, lip blushing may not be able to copy the color you’d prefer, but it can darken your lips by one or two shades.

Next, Henna will line your desired lip shape with a white liner, then follow up with a numbing cream. After your lips begin to feel numb, that’s when the tattooing starts! The procedure will feel like tiny pinches on your lips, even with the numbing cream. The entire appointment will take 3 hours approximately.

4. Healing

Ice your lips after the appointment to help the swelling and inflammation go down. The color will be vibrant right after the procedure, but those results won’t last for long as the color begins to fade into a pigment that blends with the natural tone of the lips. In about two to three days, your lips will start to get flakey, but do not peel off the scabs, as you could potentially pull out the pigment, making the color look patchy and uneven. After a week, your lips will be fully healed!

Avoid sleeping on your face, as the surface could pull the scabs off as well. Be sure to blot lips with wipes or cotton pads when cleaning to remove bodily fluids, as well as applying aquaphor directly after to keep them moisturized. If you plan on getting lip injections, it’s recommended that you wait at least four to six weeks after your lip blushing appointment.

For some people, the new color may seem like it’s not there a few days after the appointment, but that is completely normal during the healing process. The final color will show at six to eight weeks. Avoid things like kissing, swimming, applying makeup and tanning during the healing process.

5. How to Maintain the Results

Be sure to schedule a touch-up appointment right after. While this may not be required, it’s definitely recommended eight weeks after in case some of the pigment has worn off. This is especially important if you are looking to neutralize, even-out or even lighten your lip color, as well as changing the shape of the blush.

If you spend a lot of time in the sun or consistently smoke, the results may not last as long. The same goes for people with more oily skin, have iron deficiency or who often workout and exfoliate, as these factor into speeding up the fading process.

6. Benefits of Lip Blushing

The main point of lip blushing is to enhance the lips you already have. The main reason people get this done is to have a color that’ll last longer so they can cut down on the time it takes for them to do their makeup, but this procedure can also color-correct scars and uneven color. This procedure also provides people with the illusion of fuller lips without the use of cosmetic surgery. Lip blushing can improve the symmetry of your original lip shape. The best part is, the results should last you about one to two years depending on the upkeep.

7. Who is Henna Alshayeb?

Henna is the co-founder of the PIGMENT Cosmetic Tattoo Studio in her hometown of San Diego. She trains people who are looking to get into the permanent cosmetics business, turning anyone into an expert in just a matter of a few days!